

accrual = net income - cash flows from operating activities
accrual is difference between net income and cash flows from operating activities.
net income includes costs relatesd to assets, while cash flow excludes.
so we can see the quality of profits through checking out accruals.
basically the value is less than 0.
that means the accounts is healthy.
if accrual is more than 0, the company couldn't make cash well or might do window-dressing.
anyway, check out the cash flows before you invest.


iMac trouble

my imac suddenly became in trouble not to start up.

when i pushed the start button, imac beeped (3 times short beep, 3 times relatively long beep, and 3 more times short beep).
i thought the imac beeped when the system checked its hardware, so i changed the memory module to original one.(although it had passed 4 months after changing memory modules from original one)  . . . . . nothing changed as predicted.
finally i went to apple store and asked what happened.
a "Mac Genius" answered to me "it's a firmware trouble. you have to rewrite the firmware."

after rewriting the firmware, my imac can start up without any problems.
but i don't know why the firmware broke. 
i think the memory storing firmware is poor because  i haven't changed the firmware for 3 month.  it deteriorated by itself.(with heat?)
i suspect the other chips in my imac would make troubles soon.